Source code for hubdc.applier

Basic tools for setting up a function to be applied over a raster processing chain.
The :class:`~hubdc.applier.Applier` class is the main point of entry in this module.

See :doc:`ApplierExamples` for more information.


from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os, pickle
from collections import OrderedDict
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from timeit import default_timer as now
import numpy
from osgeo import gdal, osr, ogr
from osgeo.gdal_array import NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode
from hubdc.model import *
import hubdc.model  # needed for sphinx
from hubdc.writer import Writer, WriterProcess, QueueMock
from hubdc.progressbar import CUIProgressBar
import hubdc.hubdcerrors as errors

[docs]class ApplierOptions(object): '''Enumeration types.'''
[docs] class AutoExtent(object): '''Options for automatic extent calculation.''' union = 'union' intersection = 'intersection'
[docs] class AutoResolution(object): '''Options for automatic resolution calculation.''' minimum = 'minimum' maximum = 'maximum' average = 'average'
[docs]class ApplierDefaults(object): '''Defauls values for various settings used inside an applier processing chain.''' autoExtent = ApplierOptions.AutoExtent.intersection autoResolution = ApplierOptions.AutoResolution.minimum nworker = None nwriter = None blockSize = Size(x=256, y=256) writeENVIHeader = True
[docs] class GDALEnv(object): cacheMax = 100 * 2 ** 20 swathSize = 100 * 2 ** 20 disableReadDirOnOpen = True maxDatasetPoolSize = 100
[docs] class GDALWarp(object): errorThreshold = 0. memoryLimit = 100 * 2 ** 20 multithread = False
[docs]class ApplierIO(object): ''' Base class for io items. For internal use only.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): self._operator = None self._filename = str(filename)
[docs] def setOperator(self, operator): '''Pass a handle on the operator object.''' assert isinstance(operator, ApplierOperator) self._operator = operator
[docs] def operator(self): '''Returns the operator object.''' assert isinstance(self._operator, ApplierOperator) return self._operator
[docs] def filename(self): '''Returns the filename.''' return self._filename
[docs]class ApplierInputRaster(ApplierIO): '''Class for handling input raster dataset.'''
[docs] @classmethod def fromDataset(cls, dataset): '''Create an input raster from an :class:`~hubdc.model.Dataset`.''' assert isinstance(dataset, Raster) applierInputRaster = ApplierInputRaster(filename='') applierInputRaster._dataset = dataset return applierInputRaster
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): '''Creates an instance from raster stored at ``filename``.''' ApplierIO.__init__(self, filename=filename) self._dataset = None
def __repr__(self): return '{cls}(filename={filename})'.format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, filename=str(self.filename()))
[docs] def dataset(self): '''Returns the :class:`~hubdc.model.Raster` object.''' if self._dataset is None: self._dataset = openRaster(filename=self.filename()) return self._dataset
def _freeUnpickableResources(self): self._dataset = None
[docs] def array(self, overlap=0, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, noDataValue=None, errorThreshold=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.memoryLimit, multithread=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.multithread, grid=None): ''' Returns image data as 3-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, ysize, xsize), where zsize is the number of bands. :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension :param resampleAlg: GDAL resampling algorithm, e.g. gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour :param noDataValue: explicitely set the noDataValue used for reading; this overwrites the noDataValue defined by the raster itself :param errorThreshold: error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels) :param warpMemoryLimit: size of working buffer in bytes :param multithread: whether to multithread computation and I/O operations :param grid: explicitly set the :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid`, for which image data is returned ''' if grid is None: grid = self.operator().subgrid().pixelBuffer(buffer=overlap) if self.operator().subgrid().projection().equal(other=self.dataset().grid().projection()): datasetResampled = self.dataset().translate(grid=grid, resampleAlg=resampleAlg, noData=noDataValue) else: datasetResampled = self.dataset().warp(grid=grid, resampleAlg=resampleAlg, errorThreshold=errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=warpMemoryLimit, multithread=multithread, srcNodata=noDataValue) array = datasetResampled.readAsArray() datasetResampled.close() return array
[docs] def bandArray(self, indicies, overlap=0, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, noDataValue=None, errorThreshold=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.memoryLimit, multithread=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.multithread): ''' Returns a band subset of the image data as 3-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, ysize, xsize), where zsize is the number of indicies. :param indicies: list of band indicies :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension :param resampleAlg: GDAL resampling algorithm, e.g. gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour :param noDataValue: explicitely set the noDataValue used for reading; this overwrites the noDataValue defined by the raster itself :param errorThreshold: error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels) :param warpMemoryLimit: size of working buffer in bytes :param multithread: whether to multithread computation and I/O operations ''' bandList = [i + 1 for i in indicies] grid = self.operator().subgrid().pixelBuffer(buffer=overlap) if self.operator().subgrid().projection().equal(self.dataset().grid().projection()): datasetResampled = self.dataset().translate(grid=grid, bandList=bandList, resampleAlg=resampleAlg, noData=noDataValue) else: selfGridReprojected = self.operator().subgrid().reproject(self.dataset().grid()) selfGridReprojectedWithBuffer = selfGridReprojected.pixelBuffer(buffer=1 + overlap) datasetClipped = self.dataset().translate(grid=selfGridReprojectedWithBuffer, bandList=bandList, noData=noDataValue) datasetResampled = datasetClipped.warp(grid=grid, resampleAlg=resampleAlg, errorThreshold=errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=warpMemoryLimit, multithread=multithread, srcNodata=noDataValue) datasetClipped.close() array = datasetResampled.readAsArray() datasetResampled.close() return array
[docs] def fractionArray(self, categories, overlap=0, index=None): ''' Returns a stack of category fractions for the given ``categories`` as a 3-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, ysize, xsize), where zsize is the number of categories. :param categories: list of categories of interest :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension :param index: index to the band holding the categories ''' assert self.dataset().zsize() == 1 or index is not None if index is None: index = 0 grid = self.operator().subgrid().pixelBuffer(buffer=overlap) # create tmp dataset with binarized categories in original resolution gridInSourceProjection = grid.reproject(self.dataset().grid()) tmpDataset = self.dataset().translate(grid=gridInSourceProjection, bandList=[index + 1]) tmpArray = tmpDataset.readAsArray() binarizedArray = [numpy.float32(tmpArray[0] == category) for category in categories] binarizedDataset = createRasterFromArray(grid=gridInSourceProjection, array=binarizedArray) binarizedInputRaster = ApplierInputRaster.fromDataset(dataset=binarizedDataset) binarizedInputRaster.setOperator(operator=self.operator()) array = binarizedInputRaster.array(overlap=overlap, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_Average) return array
[docs] def sample(self, mask, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, noDataValue=None, errorThreshold=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.memoryLimit, multithread=ApplierDefaults.GDALWarp.multithread): ''' Returns all pixel profiles for which ``mask`` is True as a 2-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, samples). Note that pixel profiles are individually accessed, which is fast for sparse masks, but slow otherwise. :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension :param resampleAlg: GDAL resampling algorithm, e.g. gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour :param noDataValue: explicitely set the noDataValue used for reading; this overwrites the noDataValue defined by the raster itself :param errorThreshold: error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels) :param warpMemoryLimit: size of working buffer in bytes :param multithread: whether to multithread computation and I/O operations ''' assert isinstance(mask, numpy.ndarray) assert mask.dtype == numpy.bool assert mask.ndim == 3 assert mask.shape[0] == 1 assert mask.shape[1:] == self.operator().subgrid().shape() ys, xs = numpy.indices(mask.shape[1:])[:, mask[0]] profiles = list() for y, x in zip(ys, xs): grid = self.operator().subgrid().subset(offset=Pixel(x=x, y=y), size=Size(x=1, y=1)) profiles.append(self.array(resampleAlg=resampleAlg, noDataValue=noDataValue, errorThreshold=errorThreshold, warpMemoryLimit=warpMemoryLimit, multithread=multithread, grid=grid)) if len(profiles) != 0: profiles = numpy.hstack(profiles)[:, :, 0] else: profiles = numpy.empty((self.dataset().zsize(), 0)) return profiles
[docs] def metadataItem(self, key, domain): """Returns a metadata item.""" return self.dataset().metadataItem(key=key, domain=domain)
[docs] def metadataDict(self): """Returns the metadata dictionary.""" return self.dataset().metadataDict()
[docs] def noDataValue(self, default=None): '''Return single image no data value. Only valid to use if all bands have the same no data value.''' return self.dataset().noDataValue(default=default)
[docs] def noDataValues(self, default=None): """Return band no data values.""" return self.dataset().noDataValues(default=default)
[docs]class ApplierInputVector(ApplierIO): '''Class for handling the vector dataset given by it's ``filename`` and ``layerNameOrIndex``.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, layerNameOrIndex=0): ''' :param filename: filename :param layerNameOrIndex: layer name or index :type layerNameOrIndex: str or int ''' ApplierIO.__init__(self, filename=filename) self._layerNameOrIndex = layerNameOrIndex self._dataset = None
def __repr__(self): return '{cls}(filename={filename}, layerNameOrIndex={layerNameOrIndex})'.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, filename=str(self.filename()), layerNameOrIndex=repr(self._layerNameOrIndex))
[docs] def dataset(self): '''Return the :class:`~hubdc.model.Vector` object.''' if self._dataset is None: self._dataset = openVector(filename=self.filename(), layerNameOrIndex=self._layerNameOrIndex, update=False) return self._dataset
def _rasterize(self, initValue, burnValue, burnAttribute, allTouched, filterSQL, overlap, dtype, resolution): grid = self.operator().subgrid().pixelBuffer(buffer=overlap) gridOversampled = Grid(extent=grid.extent(), resolution=resolution, projection=grid.projection()) dataset = self.dataset().rasterize(grid=gridOversampled, gdalType=NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(dtype), initValue=initValue, burnValue=burnValue, burnAttribute=burnAttribute, allTouched=allTouched, filterSQL=filterSQL) raster = ApplierInputRaster.fromDataset(dataset=dataset) raster.setOperator(operator=self.operator()) return raster
[docs] def array(self, initValue=0, burnValue=1, burnAttribute=None, allTouched=False, filterSQL=None, overlap=0, dtype=numpy.float32): '''Returns the vector rasterization of the current block in form of a 3-d numpy array of shape = (1, ysize, xsize). :param initValue: value to pre-initialize the output array :param burnValue: value to burn into the output array for all objects; exclusive with ``burnAttribute`` :param burnAttribute: identifies an attribute field on the features to be used for a burn-in value; exclusive with ``burnValue`` :param allTouched: whether to enable that all pixels touched by lines or polygons will be updated, not just those on the line render path, or whose center point is within the polygon :param filterSQL: set an SQL WHERE clause which will be used to filter vector features :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension ''' raster = self._rasterize(initValue=initValue, burnValue=burnValue, burnAttribute=burnAttribute, allTouched=allTouched, filterSQL=filterSQL, overlap=overlap, dtype=dtype, resolution=self.operator().subgrid().resolution()) return raster.dataset().readAsArray()
[docs] def fractionArray(self, categories, categoryAttribute=None, oversampling=1, overlap=0): '''Returns aggregated category fractions of the current block in form of a 3d numpy array of shape = (categories, ysize, xsize). :param categories: list of categories (numbers or names) :param categoryAttribute: attribute field on the features holding the categories :param oversampling: factor defining the relative degree of rasterization detail compared to the target resolution. If for example the target resolution is 30m and the oversampling factor is 10, then the categories are first rasterized at 3m, and finally aggregated to the target resolution. :param overlap: the number of pixels to additionally read along each spatial dimension ''' resolution = Resolution(x=self.operator().subgrid().resolution().x() / float(oversampling), y=self.operator().subgrid().resolution().y() / float(oversampling)) array = list() for category in categories: filterSQL = str('"' + categoryAttribute + '" = ' + "'" + str(category) + "'") oversampledRaster = self._rasterize(initValue=0, burnValue=1, burnAttribute=None, allTouched=False, filterSQL=filterSQL, overlap=overlap * oversampling, dtype=numpy.float32, resolution=resolution) array.append(oversampledRaster.array(overlap=overlap, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_Average)) return numpy.vstack(array)
[docs]class ApplierOutputRaster(ApplierIO): '''Class for creating and handling an output raster dataset.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, driver=None, creationOptions=None): ''' :param filename: destination filename for output raster :param driver: :type driver: hubdc.model.RasterDriver :param creationOptions: e.g. for ENVI and GTiff files see and :type creationOptions: RasterCreationOptions ''' ApplierIO.__init__(self, filename=filename) if driver is None: driver = RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename) self.driver = driver assert isinstance(driver, RasterDriver) if creationOptions is None: creationOptions = driver.defaultOptions() self.creationOptions = creationOptions assert isinstance(creationOptions, RasterCreationOptions) self._writerQueue = None self._zsize = None
def __repr__(self): return '{cls}(filename={filename}, driver={driver}, creationOptions={creationOptions})'.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, filename=str(self.filename()), driver=repr(self.driver), creationOptions=repr(self.creationOptions))
[docs] def setZsize(self, zsize): """Specify the number of output bands. This is only required if the output is written band-wise.""" self._zsize = zsize
[docs] def zsize(self): if self._zsize is None: raise errors.ApplierOutputRasterNotInitializedError return int(self._zsize)
[docs] def flatList(self): '''Returns itself inside a list, i.e. ``[self]``.''' return [self]
[docs] def band(self, index): '''Returns the :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRasterBand` for the given ``index``.''' assert self.zsize() is not None return ApplierOutputRasterBand(parent=self, index=index)
[docs] def bands(self): '''Returns an iterator over all :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRasterBand`'s.''' for index in range(self.zsize()): yield
[docs] def setArray(self, array, overlap=0): """ Write data to the output raster. :param array: 3-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, ysize, xsize) or 2-d numpy array of shape = (ysize, xsize) :param overlap: the amount of margin (number of pixels) to be removed from the image data block in each direction; this is useful when the overlap keyword was also used during data reading. """ if not isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray): array = numpy.array(array) if array.ndim == 2: array = array[None] if overlap > 0: array = array[:, overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap] self._writerQueue.put( (Writer.WRITE_ARRAY, self.filename(), array, self.operator().subgrid(), self.operator().grid(), self.driver, self.creationOptions)) self.setZsize(zsize=len(array)) return self
[docs] def setMetadataItem(self, key, value, domain): '''Set image metadata item.''' self._callImageMethod(method=Raster.setMetadataItem, key=key, value=value, domain=domain)
[docs] def setMetadataDict(self, metadataDict): ''' Set metadata dictionary. :param metadataDict: dictionary of dictionaries for different metadata domains, e.g. ``{'ENVI': {'wavelength' : [482, 561, 655, 865, 1609, 2201], 'wavelength_units' : 'nanometers', 'band_names' : ['Blue', 'Green', 'Red', 'NIR', 'SWIR1', 'SWIR2']}}`` ''' assert isinstance(metadataDict, dict) for domain in metadataDict: assert isinstance(metadataDict[domain], dict) for key, value in metadataDict[domain].items(): self.setMetadataItem(key=key, value=value, domain=domain)
[docs] def setNoDataValue(self, value): """Set no data value to all bands.""" self._callImageMethod(method=Raster.setNoDataValue, value=value)
def _callImageMethod(self, method, **kwargs): if self.operator().isFirstBlock(): method = (Raster, method.__name__) self._writerQueue.put((Writer.CALL_RASTERMETHOD, self.filename(), method, kwargs))
[docs]class ApplierOutputRasterBand(ApplierIO): '''Class for handling an output raster band dataset.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, index): '''For internal use only.''' assert isinstance(parent, ApplierOutputRaster) self.parent = parent self._index = index
[docs] def setArray(self, array, overlap=0): ''' Write data to the output raster band. :param array: 3-d numpy array of shape = (1, ysize, xsize) or 2-d numpy array of shape = (ysize, xsize) :param overlap: the amount of margin (number of pixels) to be removed from the image data block in each direction; this is useful when the overlap keyword was also used during data reading. ''' if not isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray): array = numpy.array(array) if array.ndim == 2: array = array[None] assert array.shape[0] == 1 if overlap > 0: array = array[:, overlap:-overlap, overlap:-overlap] self.parent._writerQueue.put((Writer.WRITE_BANDARRAY, self.parent.filename(), array, self._index, self.parent.zsize(), self.parent.operator().subgrid(), self.parent.operator().grid(), self.parent.driver, self.parent.creationOptions)) return self
def _callMethod(self, method, **kwargs): if self.parent.operator().isFirstBlock(): method = (RasterBand, method.__name__) self.parent._writerQueue.put( (Writer.CALL_BANDMETHOD, self.parent.filename(), self._index, method, kwargs))
[docs] def setDescription(self, value): '''Set band description.''' self._callMethod(method=RasterBand.setDescription, value=value)
[docs] def setMetadataItem(self, key, value, domain=''): """Set metadata item.""" self._callMethod(method=RasterBand.setMetadataItem, key=key, value=value, domain=domain)
[docs] def setNoDataValue(self, value): """Set no data value.""" self._callMethod(method=RasterBand.setNoDataValue, value=value)
[docs]class ApplierIOGroup(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.items = dict() self._operator = None
def __repr__(self, key='ApplierIOGroup()', indent=0): space = 2 result = '{indent}{key}\n'.format(indent=' ' * indent, key=key) for k, v in self.items.items(): if isinstance(v, ApplierIOGroup): result += v.__repr__(key=k, indent=indent + space) else: result += '{indent}{k} : '.format(indent=' ' * (indent + space), k=k) result += repr(v) + '\n' return result
[docs] def operator(self): assert isinstance(self._operator, ApplierOperator) return self._operator
[docs] def setOperator(self, operator): assert isinstance(operator, ApplierOperator) self._operator = operator for item in self.items.values(): item.setOperator(operator=self._operator)
def _freeUnpickableResources(self): for item in self.items.values(): item._freeUnpickableResources() def _flatValues(self): result = list() for value in self.items.values(): if isinstance(value, self.__class__): result.extend(value._flatValues()) else: result.append(value) return result def _flatKeys(self): result = list() for key, value in self.items.items(): if isinstance(value, self.__class__): result.extend(['{}/{}'.format(key, key2) for key2 in value._flatKeys()]) else: result.append(key) return result
[docs] def setGroup(self, key, value): assert isinstance(value, self.__class__) keys = key.split('/') subgroup = self for k in keys[:-1]: subgroup.items[k] = subgroup.items.get(k, self.__class__()) subgroup = subgroup.items[k] k = keys[-1] subgroup.items[k] = value return subgroup.items[k]
[docs] def group(self, key): groupkeys = key.split('/') group = self for groupkey in groupkeys: group = group.items[groupkey] assert isinstance(group, self.__class__) return group
def _setItem(self, key, value): subkeys = key.split('/') groupkeys, iokey = subkeys[:-1], subkeys[-1] group = self for groupkey in groupkeys: group.items[groupkey] = group.items.get(groupkey, self.__class__()) group = group.items[groupkey] group.items[iokey] = value return group.items[iokey] def _item(self, key): subkeys = key.split('/') groupkeys, iokey = subkeys[:-1], subkeys[-1] group = self for groupkey in groupkeys: group = group.items[groupkey] value = group.items[iokey] return value
[docs]class ApplierInputRasterGroup(ApplierIOGroup): '''Container for :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster` and :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroup` objects.'''
[docs] @classmethod def fromFolder(cls, folder, extensions, ufunc=None): ''' Returns an input raster group containing all input rasters that are located relativ to the given ``folder``, matches one of the file ``extensions``, and (optionally) matches the user defined filter ``ufunc(dirname, basename, extension)``. In the result, the file system folder structure is preserved. :param folder: root folder :param extensions: only rasters that matches one of the given extensions are included, e.g. ['', '.bsq', '.tif', '.vrt']. :param ufunc: function of form ``ufunc(dirname, basename, extension)``; only files that pass the filter function (i.e. return True) are included ''' assert isinstance(extensions, list) off = len(os.path._abspath_split(folder)[2]) group = ApplierInputRasterGroup() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): key = '/'.join(os.path._abspath_split(root)[2][off:]) if key == '': subgroup = group else: subgroup = for dir in dirs: subgroup.setGroup(key=dir, value=ApplierInputRasterGroup()) for file in files: fileBasenameWithoutExtension, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(file) for extension in extensions: if extension != '': assert extension[0] == '.' if fileExtension.lower() != extension.lower(): continue if ufunc is not None: if not ufunc(dirname=root, basename=fileBasenameWithoutExtension, extension=fileExtension): continue subgroup.setRaster(key=fileBasenameWithoutExtension, value=ApplierInputRaster(filename=os.path.join(root, file))) return group
[docs] @staticmethod def fromIndex(index): '''Returns an input raster group containing all input rasters contained in the :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterIndex` given by ``index``.''' assert isinstance(index, ApplierInputRasterIndex) group = ApplierInputRasterGroup() for key, filename, extent in zip(index._keys, index._filenames, index._extents): group.setRaster(key=key, value=ApplierInputRaster(filename=filename)) return group
[docs] def setRaster(self, key, value): '''Add an :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster` given by ``value`` and named ``key``.''' assert isinstance(value, ApplierInputRaster) return ApplierIOGroup._setItem(self, key=key, value=value)
[docs] def raster(self, key): '''Returns the :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster` named ``key``.''' value = ApplierIOGroup._item(self, key=key) assert isinstance(value, ApplierInputRaster) return value
[docs] def flatRasters(self): '''Returns an iterator over all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for input in ApplierIOGroup._flatValues(self): assert isinstance(input, ApplierInputRaster) yield input
[docs] def flatRasterKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for key in ApplierIOGroup._flatKeys(self): yield key
[docs] def groups(self): '''Returns an iterator over all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroups`'s. No recursion.''' for v in self.items.values(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputRasterGroup): yield v
[docs] def groupKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroups`'s. No recursion.''' for k, v in self.items.items(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputRasterGroup): yield k
[docs] def rasters(self): '''Returns an iterator over all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster`'s. No recursion.''' for v in self.items.values(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputRaster): yield v
[docs] def rasterKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster`'s. No recursion.''' for k, v in self.items.items(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputRaster): assert isinstance(k, str) yield k
[docs] def findRaster(self, ufunc=lambda key, raster: False): '''Returns the first :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster` for that the user defined function ``ufunc(key, raster)`` matches. Returns None in case of no match.''' for key in self.rasterKeys(): raster = self.raster(key=key) if ufunc(key=key, raster=raster): return raster return None
[docs] def findRasterKey(self, ufunc=lambda key, raster: False): '''Returns the first key for that the user defined function ``ufunc(key, raster)`` matches. Returns None in case of no match.''' for key in self.rasterKeys(): raster = self.raster(key=key) if ufunc(key=key, raster=raster): return key return None
[docs]class ApplierInputRasterIndex(object): WGS84 = Projection.WGS84()
[docs] def __init__(self): self._keys = list() self._filenames = list() self._extents = list()
def __repr__(self): result = 'ApplierInputRasterIndex\n' for key, filename, extent in zip(self._keys, self._filenames, self._extents): result += ' {} : {} {}\n'.format(key, filename, extent) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def fromFolder(folder, extensions, ufunc=None): group = ApplierInputRasterGroup.fromFolder(folder=folder, extensions=extensions, ufunc=ufunc) index = ApplierInputRasterIndex() for key in group.flatRasterKeys(): index.insertRaster(key=key, raster=group.raster(key=key)) return index
[docs] @staticmethod def unpickle(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: index = pickle.load(file=f) assert isinstance(index, ApplierInputRasterIndex) return index
[docs] def pickle(self, filename): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj=self, file=f, protocol=1)
[docs] def insertRaster(self, key, raster): assert isinstance(raster, ApplierInputRaster) extent = raster.dataset().grid().spatialExtent().reproject(targetProjection=self.WGS84) self.insertFilename(key=key, filename=raster.filename(), extent=extent)
[docs] def insertFilename(self, key, filename, extent): self._keys.append(key) self._filenames.append(filename) self._extents.append(extent)
[docs] def intersection(self, grid): assert isinstance(grid, Grid) gridExtent = grid.spatialExtent().reproject(targetProjection=self.WGS84) index = ApplierInputRasterIndex() for key, filename, extent in zip(self._keys, self._filenames, self._extents): if extent.intersects(gridExtent): index.insertFilename(key=key, filename=filename, extent=extent) return index
[docs]class ApplierInputVectorGroup(ApplierIOGroup): '''Container for :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVector` and :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVectorGroup` objects.'''
[docs] def setVector(self, key, value): '''Add an :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVector` given by ``value`` and named ``key``.''' assert isinstance(value, ApplierInputVector) return ApplierIOGroup._setItem(self, key=key, value=value)
[docs] def vector(self, key): '''Returns the :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVector` named ``key``.''' value = ApplierIOGroup._item(self, key=key) assert isinstance(value, ApplierInputVector) return value
[docs] def flatVectors(self): '''Returns an iterator over all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVector`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for input in ApplierIOGroup._flatValues(self): assert isinstance(input, ApplierInputVector) yield input
[docs] def flatVectorKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVectors`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for input in ApplierIOGroup._flatKeys(self): assert isinstance(input, str) yield input
[docs] def groups(self): '''Returns an iterator over all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVectorGroups`'s. No recursion.''' for v in self.items.values(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputVectorGroup): yield v
[docs] def groupKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all directly contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVectorGroups`'s. No recursion.''' for k, v in self.items.items(): if isinstance(v, ApplierInputVectorGroup): yield k
[docs]class ApplierOutputRasterGroup(ApplierIOGroup): '''Container for :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster` and :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRasterGroup` objects.'''
[docs] def setRaster(self, key, value): '''Add an :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster` given by ``value`` and named ``key``.''' assert isinstance(value, ApplierOutputRaster) return ApplierIOGroup._setItem(self, key=key, value=value)
[docs] def raster(self, key): '''Returns the :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster` named ``key``.''' value = ApplierIOGroup._item(self, key=key) assert isinstance(value, ApplierOutputRaster) return value
[docs] def flatRasters(self): '''Returns an iterator over all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for v in self._flatValues(): assert isinstance(v, ApplierOutputRaster) yield v
[docs] def flatRasterKeys(self): '''Returns an iterator over the keys of all contained :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster`'s. Traverses the group structure recursively.''' for key in ApplierIOGroup._flatKeys(self): assert isinstance(key, str) yield key
[docs]class Applier(object): ''' This class is the main point of entry in this module. For detailed usage examples see :doc:`ApplierExamples`. Attributes and properties are: * **inputRaster** :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroup` object containing all input rasters * **inputRasterArchive** :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterArchiveGroup` object containing all input raster archieves * **inputVector** :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVectorGroup` object containing all input vectors * **outputRaster** :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRasterGroup` object containing all output rasters * **controls** :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierControls` object containing all input rasters * **mainGrid** :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid` object '''
[docs] def __init__(self, controls=None): ''' :param controls: an :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierControls` object ''' self.inputRaster = ApplierInputRasterGroup() self.inputVector = ApplierInputVectorGroup() self.outputRaster = ApplierOutputRasterGroup() self.controls = controls if controls is not None else ApplierControls() self._grid = None
[docs] def grid(self): '''Returns the output :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid` object.''' assert isinstance(self._grid, Grid) return self._grid
[docs] def apply(self, operatorType=None, operatorFunction=None, description=None, overwrite=True, *ufuncArgs, **ufuncKwargs): """ Applies the ``operator`` blockwise over a raster processing chain and returns a list of results, one for each block. The ``operator`` must be a subclass of :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOperator` and needs to implement the :meth:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierOperator.ufunc` method to specify the image processing. For example:: class MyOperator(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self): # process the data applier.apply(operator=MyOperator) or:: def my_ufunc(operator): # process the data applier.apply(operator=my_ufunc) For detailed usage examples see :doc:`ApplierExamples`. :param description: short description that is displayed on the progress bar :param ufuncArgs: additional arguments that will be passed to the operators ufunc() method. :param ufuncKwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the operators ufunc() method. :return: list of results, one for each processed block """ if isinstance(operatorType, type): self.operatorType = operatorType self.operatorUFunc = None elif callable(operatorFunction): self.operatorType = ApplierOperator self.operatorUFunc = operatorFunction else: raise errors.ApplierOperatorTypeError() if description is None: description = self.operatorType.__name__ if not overwrite: allExists = all([os.path.exists(raster.filename()) for raster in self.outputRaster.flatRasters()]) if allExists: self.controls.progressBar.setText('skip {} (all outputs exist and OVERWRITE=FALSE)'.format(description)) return self.ufuncArgs = ufuncArgs self.ufuncKwargs = ufuncKwargs runT0 = now() self._grid = self.controls.deriveGrid(inputRasterGroup=self.inputRaster) self.controls.progressBar.setText( 'start {}, {}, {}'.format(description, self.grid().size(), self.grid())) self._runInitWriters() self._runInitPool() results = self._runProcessSubgrids() self._runClose() self.controls.progressBar.setPercentage(percentage=100) s = (now() - runT0); m = s / 60; h = m / 60 self.controls.progressBar.setText( 'done {description} in {s} sec | {m} min | {h} hours'.format(description=description, s=int(s), m=round(m, 2), h=round(h, 2))) return results
def _runInitWriters(self): self.writers = list() self.queues = list() self.queueMock = QueueMock() if self.controls._multiwriting: for w in range(max(1, self.controls.nwriter)): w = WriterProcess() w.start() self.writers.append(w) self.queues.append(w.queue) self._assignQueues() def _runInitPool(self): if self.controls._multiprocessing: # exclude non-pickable members # - writers arn't pickable, need to detache them before passing self to Pool initializer writers, self.writers = self.writers, None # - free cached gdal datasets self.inputRaster._freeUnpickableResources() self.pool = Pool(processes=self.controls.nworker, initializer=_pickableWorkerInitialize, initargs=(self,)) self.writers = writers # put writers back else: _Worker.initialize(applier=self) def _runProcessSubgrids(self): n = ny = nx = 0 subgrids = self.grid().subgrids(size=self.controls.blockSize) _, n, ny, nx = subgrids[-1] self.nsubgrids = n if self.controls._multiprocessing: applyResults = list() else: blockResults = list() for subgrid, i, iy, ix in subgrids: kwargs = {'i': i, 'n': len(subgrids), 'iy': iy, 'ix': ix, 'ny': ny, 'nx': nx, 'workingGrid': subgrid} if self.controls._multiprocessing: applyResults.append(self.pool.apply_async(func=_pickableWorkerProcessSubgrid, kwds=kwargs)) else: blockResults.append(_Worker.processSubgrid(**kwargs)) if self.controls._multiprocessing: blockResults = [applyResult.get() for applyResult in applyResults] result = self.operatorType.aggregate(blockResults=blockResults, grid=self.grid(), *self.ufuncArgs, **self.ufuncKwargs) return result def _assignQueues(self): def lessFilledQueue(): lfq = self.queues[0] for q in self.queues: if lfq.qsize() > q.qsize(): lfq = q return lfq for output in self.outputRaster.flatRasters(): assert isinstance(output, ApplierOutputRaster) if self.controls._multiwriting: output._writerQueue = lessFilledQueue() else: output._writerQueue = self.queueMock def _runClose(self): if self.controls._multiprocessing: self.pool.close() self.pool.join() if self.controls._multiwriting: for writer in self.writers: writer.queue.put([Writer.CLOSE_RASTERS, self.controls.createEnviHeader]) writer.queue.put([Writer.CLOSE_WRITER, None]) writer.join() else: self.queueMock.put([Writer.CLOSE_RASTERS, self.controls.createEnviHeader])
class _Worker(object): """ For internal use only. """ # queues = list() inputRaster = None inputVector = None outputRaster = None applier = None operator = None def __init__(self): raise Exception('singleton class') @classmethod def initialize(cls, applier): gdal.SetCacheMax(applier.controls.cacheMax) gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_SWATH_SIZE', str(applier.controls.swathSize)) gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN', str(applier.controls.disableReadDirOnOpen)) gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE', str(applier.controls.maxDatasetPoolSize)) assert isinstance(applier, Applier) cls.applier = applier cls.inputRaster = applier.inputRaster cls.inputVector = applier.inputVector cls.outputRaster = applier.outputRaster # create operator cls.operator = applier.operatorType(mainGrid=applier.grid(), inputRaster=cls.inputRaster, inputVector=cls.inputVector, outputRaster=cls.outputRaster, controls=applier.controls, operatorUFunc=applier.operatorUFunc, ufuncArgs=applier.ufuncArgs, ufuncKwargs=applier.ufuncKwargs) @classmethod def processSubgrid(cls, i, n, iy, ix, ny, nx, workingGrid): cls.operator.progressBar.setPercentage(float(i) / n * 100) return cls.operator._apply(workingGrid=workingGrid, iblock=i, nblock=n, yblock=iy, xblock=ix, nyblock=ny, nxblock=nx) def _pickableWorkerProcessSubgrid(**kwargs): return _Worker.processSubgrid(**kwargs) def _pickableWorkerInitialize(*args): return _Worker.initialize(*args)
[docs]class ApplierOperator(object): """ This is the baseclass for an user defined applier operator. For details on user defined operators see :meth:`hubdc.applier.Applier.apply` """
[docs] def __init__(self, mainGrid, inputRaster, inputVector, outputRaster, controls, ufuncArgs, ufuncKwargs, operatorUFunc=None): assert isinstance(mainGrid, Grid) assert isinstance(inputRaster, ApplierInputRasterGroup) assert isinstance(inputVector, ApplierInputVectorGroup) assert isinstance(outputRaster, ApplierOutputRasterGroup) assert isinstance(controls, ApplierControls) self._subgrid = None self._grid = mainGrid self.inputRaster = inputRaster self.inputVector = inputVector self.outputRaster = outputRaster self.inputRaster.setOperator(operator=self) self.inputVector.setOperator(operator=self) self.outputRaster.setOperator(operator=self) self._controls = controls self._ufuncArgs = ufuncArgs self._ufuncKwargs = ufuncKwargs self._ufuncFunction = operatorUFunc self._iblock = 0 self._nblock = 0
[docs] def subgrid(self): """ Returns the current block :class:`~hubdc.applier.Grid`. """ assert isinstance(self._subgrid, Grid) return self._subgrid
[docs] def grid(self): """ Returns the :class:`~hubdc.applier.Grid`. """ assert isinstance(self._grid, Grid) return self._grid
def _setWorkingGrid(self, grid): assert isinstance(grid, Grid) self._subgrid = grid @property def progressBar(self): """ Returns the :class:`~hubdc.progressbar.ProgressBar`. """ return self._controls.progressBar
[docs] def isFirstBlock(self): """ Returns wether or not the current block is the first one. """ return self._iblock == 0
[docs] def isLastBlock(self): """ Returns wether or not the current block is the last one. """ return self._iblock == self.nblock() - 1
[docs] def isLastYBlock(self): """ Returns wether or not the current block is the last block in y direction. """ return self._yblock == self.nyblock() - 1
[docs] def isLastXBlock(self): """ Returns wether or not the current block is the last block in x direction. """ return self._xblock == self.nxblock() - 1
[docs] def iblock(self): return self._iblock
[docs] def nblock(self): return self._nblock
[docs] def yblock(self): return self._yblock
[docs] def xblock(self): return self._xblock
[docs] def nyblock(self): return self._nyblock
[docs] def nxblock(self): return self._nxblock
[docs] def yblockSize(self): return self.subgrid().shape()[0]
[docs] def xblockSize(self): return self.subgrid().shape()[1]
[docs] def yblockOffset(self): return self.yblock() * self.yblockSize()
[docs] def xblockOffset(self): return self.xblock() * self.xblockSize()
[docs] def full(self, value, bands=1, dtype=None, overlap=0): '''Returns a 3-d numpy array of shape = (zsize, ysize+2*overlap, xsize+2*overlap) filled with constant ``value``.''' return numpy.full( shape=(bands, self.subgrid().size().y() + 2 * overlap, self.subgrid().size().x() + 2 * overlap), fill_value=value, dtype=dtype)
def _apply(self, workingGrid, iblock, nblock, yblock, xblock, nyblock, nxblock): self._iblock = iblock self._nblock = nblock self._yblock = yblock self._xblock = xblock self._nyblock = nyblock self._nxblock = nxblock self._setWorkingGrid(workingGrid) blockResult = self.ufunc(*self._ufuncArgs, **self._ufuncKwargs) return blockResult
[docs] def ufunc(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Overwrite this method to specify the image processing. See :doc:`ApplierExamples` for more information.''' if self._ufuncFunction is None: raise NotImplementedError() else: blockResults = self._ufuncFunction(self, *args, **kwargs) result = self.aggregate(blockResults=blockResults, grid=self.grid()) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, *args, **kwargs): ''' Overwrite this method to specify how to aggregate the list of block-wise return values. See :doc:`ApplierExamples` for more information. ''' return blockResults
[docs]class ApplierControls(object): '''Class for controlling various details of the applier processing.'''
[docs] def __init__(self): self.setBlockSize() self.setNumThreads() self.setNumWriter() self.setWriteENVIHeader() self.setAutoExtent() self.setAutoResolution() self.setResolution() self.setExtent() self.setProjection() self.setGrid() self.setGDALCacheMax() self.setGDALSwathSize() self.setGDALDisableReadDirOnOpen() self.setGDALMaxDatasetPoolSize() self.setProgressBar()
[docs] def setProgressBar(self, progressBar=None): """ Set the progress display object. Default is an :class:`~hubdc.progressbar.CUIProgress` object. For suppressing outputs use an :class:`~hubdc.progressbar.SilentProgress` object """ if progressBar is None: progressBar = CUIProgressBar() self.progressBar = progressBar return self
[docs] def setBlockSize(self, blockSize=ApplierDefaults.blockSize): ''' Set the processing block x and y size. Pass an int defining x and y size to be the same, or a tuple (int, int) defining x and y size separately, or a :class:`~hubdc.model.Size` object. ''' if isinstance(blockSize, (int, long)): blockSize = Size(*[blockSize] * 2) elif isinstance(blockSize, (tuple, list)) and len(blockSize) == 2: blockSize = Size(*blockSize) elif isinstance(blockSize, Size): pass else: raise ValueError('not a valid block size') self.blockSize = blockSize return self
[docs] def setBlockFullSize(self): """ Set the block size to full extent. """ veryLargeNumber = 10 ** 20 self.setBlockSize(veryLargeNumber) return self
[docs] def setNumThreads(self, nworker=ApplierDefaults.nworker): """ Set the number of pool worker for multiprocessing. Set to None to disable multiprocessing (recommended for debugging). Set to -1 to use all CPUs. """ if nworker == -1: nworker = cpu_count() self.nworker = nworker return self
[docs] def setNumWriter(self, nwriter=ApplierDefaults.nwriter): """ Set the number of writer processes. Set to None to disable multiwriting (recommended for debugging). """ self.nwriter = nwriter return self
[docs] def setWriteENVIHeader(self, createEnviHeader=ApplierDefaults.writeENVIHeader): """ Set to True to create additional ENVI header files for all output rasters. The header files store all metadata items from the ENVI domain, so that the images can be correctly interpreted by the ENVI software. Currently only the native ENVI format and the GTiff format is supported. """ self.createEnviHeader = createEnviHeader return self
[docs] def setAutoExtent(self, autoExtent=ApplierDefaults.autoExtent): """ Define how the grid extent is derived from the input rasters. Possible options are listed in :class:`~hubdc.applier.Options.AutoExtent`. """ if autoExtent not in ApplierOptions.AutoExtent.__dict__.values(): raise errors.UnknownApplierAutoExtentOption self.autoExtent = autoExtent return self
[docs] def setAutoResolution(self, autoResolution=ApplierDefaults.autoResolution): """ Define how the grid resolution is derived from the input rasters. Possible options are listed in :class:`~hubdc.applier.Options.AutoResolution`. """ if autoResolution not in ApplierOptions.AutoResolution.__dict__.values(): raise errors.UnknownApplierAutoResolutionOption self.autoResolution = autoResolution return self
[docs] def setResolution(self, resolution=None): ''' Set the applier resolution. Pass a float defining x and y resolution to be the same, or a (float, float) tuple defining x and y resolution separately, or a :class:`~hubdc.model.Resolution` object, or None (default) to derive the resolution from the input rasters. ''' if resolution is None: pass elif isinstance(resolution, Resolution): pass elif isinstance(resolution, (int, float)): resolution = Resolution(*[resolution] * 2) elif (isinstance(resolution, (tuple, list)) and len(resolution) == 2 and isinstance(resolution[0], (int, float)) and isinstance(resolution[1], (int, float))): resolution = Resolution(*resolution) else: raise ValueError('not a valid resolution') self.resolution = resolution return self
[docs] def setExtent(self, extent=None): """ Set the applier extent. Pass a (float, float, float, float) tuple defining the extent as (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax), or an :class:`~hubdc.model.Extent` object, or None (default) to derive the extent from the input rasters. """ if extent is None: pass elif isinstance(extent, Extent): pass elif isinstance(extent, (tuple, list)) and len(extent) == 4 and all( [isinstance(v, (int, long, float)) for v in extent]): extent = Extent(*extent) else: raise ValueError('not a valid extent') self.extent = extent return self
[docs] def setProjection(self, projection=None): ''' Set the applier projection. Pass a Well-Known Text (WKT) projection string, or an Authority EPSG ID as int, or a :class:`~hubdc.model.Projection` object, or None (default) to use the projection that is shared by all input rasters. ''' if projection is None: pass elif isinstance(projection, Projection): pass elif isinstance(projection, str): projection = Projection(wkt=projection) elif isinstance(projection, int): projection = Projection.fromEPSG(epsg=projection) else: raise ValueError('not a valid projection') self.projection = projection return self
[docs] def setGrid(self, grid=None): """ Set the applier grid defining the extent, resolution and projection. Pass a :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid` object, or None (default) to derive the grid from the input rasters. """ if grid is None: self.setExtent() self.setResolution() self.setProjection() elif isinstance(grid, Grid): self.setExtent(extent=grid.extent()) self.setResolution(resolution=grid.resolution()) self.setProjection(projection=grid.projection()) else: raise ValueError('not a valid grid') return self
[docs] def setGDALCacheMax(self, bytes=ApplierDefaults.GDALEnv.cacheMax): """ For details see the `GDAL_CACHEMAX Configuration Option <>`_. """ self.cacheMax = bytes return self
[docs] def setGDALSwathSize(self, bytes=ApplierDefaults.GDALEnv.swathSize): """ For details see the `GDAL_SWATH_SIZE Configuration Option <>`_. """ self.swathSize = bytes return self
[docs] def setGDALDisableReadDirOnOpen(self, disable=ApplierDefaults.GDALEnv.disableReadDirOnOpen): """ For details see the `GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN Configuration Option <>`_. """ self.disableReadDirOnOpen = disable return self
[docs] def setGDALMaxDatasetPoolSize(self, nfiles=ApplierDefaults.GDALEnv.maxDatasetPoolSize): """ For details see the `GDAL_MAX_DATASET_POOL_SIZE Configuration Option <>`_. """ self.maxDatasetPoolSize = nfiles return self
@property def _multiprocessing(self): return self.nworker is not None @property def _multiwriting(self): return self._multiprocessing or (self.nwriter is not None)
[docs] def deriveGrid(self, inputRasterGroup): '''Derives the grid from the given :class:`~hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroup`'s.''' assert isinstance(inputRasterGroup, ApplierInputRasterGroup) grids = [inputRaster.dataset().grid() for inputRaster in inputRasterGroup.flatRasters()] projection = self.deriveProjection(grids) return Grid(projection=projection, extent=self.deriveExtent(grids, projection), resolution=self.deriveResolution(grids))
[docs] def deriveProjection(self, grids): '''Derives the projection from the given :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid`'s.''' if self.projection is None: if len(grids) == 0: raise errors.MissingApplierProjectionError() projection = grids[0].projection() for grid in grids: if not grid.projection().equal(other=projection): raise errors.MissingApplierProjectionError() else: projection = self.projection return projection
[docs] def deriveExtent(self, grids, projection): '''Derives the extent from the given :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid`'s in the given :class:`~hubdc.model.Projection`.''' if self.extent is None: if len(grids) == 0: raise errors.MissingApplierExtentError() extent = grids[0].spatialExtent().reproject(targetProjection=projection) for grid in grids: extent_ = grid.spatialExtent().reproject(targetProjection=projection) if self.autoExtent == ApplierOptions.AutoExtent.union: extent = extent.union(other=extent_) elif self.autoExtent == ApplierOptions.AutoExtent.intersection: extent = extent.intersection(other=extent_) else: raise errors.UnknownApplierAutoExtentOption() else: extent = self.extent return extent
[docs] def deriveResolution(self, grids): '''Derives the resolution from the given :class:`~hubdc.model.Grid`.''' if self.resolution is None: if self.autoResolution == ApplierOptions.AutoResolution.minimum: f = numpy.min elif self.autoResolution == ApplierOptions.AutoResolution.maximum: f = numpy.max elif self.autoResolution == ApplierOptions.AutoResolution.average: f = numpy.mean else: raise errors.UnknownApplierAutoResolutionOption() resolution = Resolution(x=f([grid.resolution().x() for grid in grids]), y=f([grid.resolution().y() for grid in grids])) else: resolution = self.resolution return resolution