============ Introduction ============ The HUB-Datacube module :mod:`hubdc` offers a high level interface for integrating heterogeneous raster and vector datasets into a user-defined reference pixel grid, resulting in an analysis-ready datacube. The data model is build on top of `GDAL `_ and `Numpy `_, and was greatly inspired by the `Raster I/O Simplification (RIOS) `_ project. Like RIOS, HUBDC provides functionality which makes it easy to write raster processing code in Python, but it gives the user more flexibility and has some performance improvements. *Simple Example*:: """ Reads in two input files and adds them together. Assumes that they have the same number of bands. """ from hubdc import Applier # Set up input and output filenames. applier = Applier() applier.setInput('image1', filename='file1.img') applier.setInput('image2', filename='file2.img') applier.setOutput('outimage', filename='outfile.img') # Set up the operator to be applied def addThem(operator): outimage = operator.getArray('image1') + operator.getArray('image2') operator.setArray('outimage', array=outimage) # Apply the operator to the inputs, creating the outputs. applier.apply(addThem)