
The HUB-Datacube module hubdc offers a high level interface for integrating heterogeneous raster and vector datasets into a user-defined reference pixel grid, resulting in an analysis-ready datacube. The data model is build on top of GDAL and Numpy, and was greatly inspired by the Raster I/O Simplification (RIOS) project.

Like RIOS, HUBDC provides functionality which makes it easy to write raster processing code in Python, but it gives the user more flexibility and has some performance improvements.

Simple Example:

Reads in two input files and adds them together.
Assumes that they have the same number of bands.

from hubdc import Applier

# Set up input and output filenames.
applier = Applier()
applier.setInput('image1', filename='file1.img')
applier.setInput('image2', filename='file2.img')
applier.setOutput('outimage', filename='outfile.img')

# Set up the operator to be applied
def addThem(operator):
    outimage = operator.getArray('image1') + operator.getArray('image2')
    operator.setArray('outimage', array=outimage)

# Apply the operator to the inputs, creating the outputs.